Update: Trusting God and Reading Books During the Mass Panic

Hello everyone! Hope everybody is doing well, despite the fact that the world is kind of falling apart right now. Tensions have definitely been high lately and everybody is stressed out. Isn't it the perfect time, though, to read a good book? Whether it be because of quarantine or just to escape this awful reality, I think it would be. Speaking of, I found the most adorable book shop near me. It has a little coffee shop inside, as well as small reading nooks and, of course, books. I felt like a kid in a candy store when I walked inside. I ended up buying two books, one of them being A Clockwork Orange. I had just recently heard of it and my creating writing professor had us read a little section of it and I was immediately fascinated with it. I am so excited to crack it open and continue reading!

I think reading and writing is what is going to get me through this global crisis. Waubonsee Community College where I attend has officially closed and will be doing classes all online, as many, if not all, colleges have done. This week is my spring break, and the college has extended it one week so that the instructors have time to figure out exactly what to do and how to deliver the material to the students.

It's weird, too, going out. The streets are quieter than normal, and parking lots are empty. It's kind of creepy. I went into a grocery store the other day, and I felt like I was in some sort of zombie apocalypse movie. Shelves were empty, the lines were wrapped around the building, and people were grabbing anything and everything they could. And of course giving into the hysteria, I bought toilet paper.

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. And it's not until moments like these where we recognize four things: 1. How stupid humans can really be. 2. How fragile the world is. 3. How little control we as humans have. And 4. How much we really need God.

Isn't it so reassuring, though, knowing that God is in control of everything and has a plan for us? No matter what, there will be an end to this mass hysteria and panic. There will be an end to this stress and fear. And even though we can't do much about it, He can. He allowed it to start and He will allow it to end. In the meantime, He will take care of us and listen to our cries.

"For I, the Lord your God, will hold your right hand, saying to you, 'Fear not, I will help you.' Fear not, you worm Jacob, you men of Israel! I will help you, says the Lord and your Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel," (Isaiah 41:13-14).


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