God's Chosen: The Celebrate Lit Blog Tour and Giveaway of Dove Strong

About the Book

Book:  Dove Strong
Author: Erin Lorence
Genre:  Christian YA

Dove Strong loves God. She loves standing chin up and fists clenched when facing Satan’s attacks. But there’s one thing she doesn’t love—other people. So when this spiritually-gifted, antisocial teenager is chosen to join other believers in a trek across Satan’s territory, rattlesnakes and evil-intentioned Heathen aren’t her biggest challenges.

But failure isn’t an option. In a month, the Christian Councils will decide the Reclaim, a vote on whether there’ll be a war between Christ’s followers and Satan’s to take back America. It is up to Dove, God’s messenger for peace, to reach her Council in time. Because if she doesn’t, things could get bloody. 

Click here to get your copy!

Book Review

When reading the first few chapters, I was very unsure of the book. And a little lost and confused, too. But the further I got into the book, the more I fell in love with it. The plotline is very interesting, and the world that Erin Lorence creates is quite unique.
I struggled with relating to the main character, Dove. And her bluntness oftentimes threw me off guard. But she has this strong desire to serve the Lord and her strong faith is admirable. I strive to have faith like hers.
Dove travels to the Council with a young girl named Melody. The two characters couldn’t be anymore opposite. But I love the bond the two of them develop over time, and the reader can tell the two care for each other, even if they wouldn’t want to admit it.
I like the way she presented non-believers in the book, too. And I really like how she incorporated the United Church of America-a Church that was open to “all religions” but had a very skewed view of Christianity and was unacceptable of the real Christianity. A very worldly concept.
Overall, I did like the book. Like I said before, the first few chapters were rough, but after I got through those, I wasn’t able to put the book down.
I had received a copy of this book as part of the Celebrate Lit Blogging Team and was required to give an honest review.

About the Author

Erin Lorence grew up in rainy Western Washington, an avid reader and the daughter of a published nonfiction author. She attended Washington State University (WSU) where she met and married her husband, Brian. Together, they recently moved to Apex, North Carolina with their two amazing daughters (who also love to read) and their beagle Charlie (who doesn’t read). Her lifelong love of literature, her gratitude to God, and her enjoyment of hiking in Central Oregon all inspired her to write the Dove Strong Trilogy. Visit her at:  www.erinlorence.com.

More from Erin

I politely smile and keep what I really think inside. But my main character, Dove Strong, doesn’t. She blasts people with the full force of her words. Sometimes Dove’s words sting…but she’s never merely polite or hum-drum boring.

I secretly hug the random and ridiculous moments of life to myself, preserving my appearance of normalcy. But when I write, the true ‘uncool’ me escapes. It is responsible for the caterpillar dangling from a character’s nostril as well as for the little sister who won’t stop harping on about her precious bag of chips.

I write to escape and to help others escape. I write to laugh and make readers smile. I write so ‘the lost’ will wake to find that they crave an intimate relationship with The One who loves them most.
This is why I write. And that is why I wrote Dove Strong.

Blog Stops

Genesis 5020, April 13
Artistic Nobody, April 14 (Author Interview)
Wishful Endings, April 16 (Author Interview)
Simple Harvest Reads, April 18 (Author Interview)
Emily Yager, April 19
Rebecca Tews, April 21
Vicky Sluiter, April 22 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Erin is giving away the grand prize package of paperback copies of Dove Strong and its sequel Fanatic Surviving!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Thanks for hosting me today. I appreciate your honest review. Have a blessed week!

  2. Great review! Thank you for sharing your honest thoughts. This series sounds fascinating.


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