Update: Not Going to College?

Hello everybody! I hope everyone is doing well. I'm just giving a quick update on my life. As the title of this blog post implies, I am not going off to college. At least, I'm not going to be on a college campus for this fall semester. Trinity Christian made the decision a couple weeks ago to go fully online-only students who need to be on campus will be on campus. And since that does not apply to me, I am doing my classes remotely. It was disappointing to get the news, but I am going to try to make the most of it. And I'm crossing my fingers that the campus will be open for spring semester. 

So what am I doing for my fall semester? My plans aren't fully set in stone, but I hope to be doing something fun. Once the plans are set, I will make another update to let you all know. And yes, it does have something to do with writing. I am very excited about it! 

how i feel after writing the title page of my research paper - Bathtub dog  | Meme GeneratorSo, in one week, I'll have my (virtual) transfer orientation, and that will kick off my junior year of college! Even though it will be remote, I am still excited. I do like to learn, no matter the platform. And I miss writing papers. Yes, I know I am weird for that. But I love the feeling of accomplishment that comes with finishing a paper. 

But I am working on a writing project. I'm just having fun with it right now, and once school starts, I probably won't have the time to write as much. But I am taking English classes and will have a lot of reading to do, which I am so excited for! 

If COVID-19 would leave already, That would be great - That Would Be Great  (Office Space Bill Lumbergh) | Make a Meme Anyways, this is a short blog post, but I just wanted to update everybody. Am I disappointed by the circumstances? Yes. But I'm making the most of it, and am still looking forward to school. At this point in time, I'm just trying to go with the flow. Life is so unpredictable right now and I understand why the circumstances have changed. I'm going to try not to let it ruin my college experience, but instead, I'm trying to look at it as an opportunity. 

Stay safe! 


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